I deSign with JOY

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

*SimpLe CreaTiViTy*

It's afterNoon & I'm wonDering where the day has gone.  I'm organizing to string a few beads.   It's time to be creaTive.  HaVe you notiCed the colors this year?  AnyThing goes it seems!!  Of courSe I'm ready for a little coLor in my liFe ♥ I'm partial to natural colors but I aLSo enJOY miXing coLor & texTure.
I like odd shapes too! Balls are OK, but I've gotta get wacKy every now & then.  [like this simpLe braceLet]
*U*niQue is the word ♥ for this simpLe alTered scrabbleTile pendant on a cord.

 The soLution to my simpLe CreaTiVity ~~a little color ♥ few odd shapes ♥ be mySeLf [*U*nique]~~
The birdhouSes that we buiLt uSing stuff that I've accumulated thru the years [nothing fanSy] is another exampLe of me being creaTiVe. 
Gathering bits & pieCes or beads & finDings to create a one-of-a-kind is my way of spenDing a happy simpLe afternoon.  What's your iDea of a simpLe afternoon?  Time is valuable & *U*nique stuff can also be


Brenda said...

I love the bird house... I am a bird house kinda of person.... But your sesign always keeps me interested..... Unique is the word....

Tanna said...

Your creativity finds beautiful ways to express itself!! Time does fly when you are deep into your passions!