I deSign with JOY

Friday, March 11, 2011

BeauTiful Day to *bee* watChed ♥

Good Morning Yy'all~~~it's another chiLLy morning with the sun sHing bright!  No reaSon to be *blue* any day but espeCially not toDay! There are people in Hawaii & Japan waKing to horrific conDitions..I do appreCiate the tiny part of the worLd surrounding me this morning. I'm privaLedged to waLk outSide--hear the birds chirpping--the *bee*s buZZing--the *butterFlies* fluttering around the buShes & *bee* on my way to coFFeeTime with friends ♥
For some reaSon [beYond my smarts] this pic will onLy load sideWays~~ that's OK~~I'm sideWays someDay too!  Aren't we all so BleSSeD in that we are *U*nique / unLiKe anyOne eLse?  SomeDays I'm coLorful~someDays I'm neutral~or be both!  *U* too  [can be] *U*rSeLf  toDay... (((smiLe)))

          Bee a *U*nique *U* toDay
enJOY your surrounDings & thank God for heLping *U* *bee* all *U* can *bee ♥

I enCourage Y'all to be creatiVe toDay.  HandmaKe someThing.  Then share it with your friends.  GiVe them enCouragement to be creaTive too.  All the stuff I poSt [here in my blog] is for saLe.  I do pass some things forWard.  That means I give *U* a handMade item & you in turn give someOne eLse a handMade item. 

((((((smiLe))))) cuzz someOne might *bee* watChing *U* wHo needs one ♥

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