I deSign with JOY

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

*ON or OFF*

It's time to say Good NiTe--I wiSh Y'all wonderful dreams! [fields full of fLowers would be niCe]  It's been a proDucTive day but as usual I got siDe-traCked & didn't get that neckLace done!  I've completed a few components to add tho..(gotta dry over night)  Thank God there's always tomorrow for projects!
BTW/ flowers are blooming--trees are budding--beginning to see lots of new life in the yard.  Even the weeds are blooming pretty yellow & lavender flowers.  These are additional reaSons for *Happiness*
The theme everyDay~~whether we're on scheDule or off~~
should be to en*JOY* the time given us by God ♥ 

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