I also thought I'd share the Swap-bot mail I got yesterday. [decorated envelope (no.2)] I've got to get mine in the mail tomorrow for my partners. I've been sideTracked a little laTely because my deSire to deSign jewelry has returned. I must make a scheduLe so I can get it all done. Do you have proBlems in deCison maKing like I do someTimes? There is just so much to-Do~~& get houSeCLeaning done too. Ha!
ThereFore, I'm fiXinTa hit the floor running!!
*Lead...FoLLow...or Get out of the way*...or HELP ME!!Hope you enJOY your day ~~I'm gonna get started by meeting my friends for coFFeeTime ♥ didn't sleep well laSt night so coffee is much needed this morning. [took adVantage of no sleep & prayed tho] ((smile))
The offer still stands: "Be my guest if you'd like to come oVer & HELP ME! CoFFee is free!! ♥♥
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Looking good
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