Good Afternoon Y'aLL~~I finally got around to finishing this necklace after taking it all apart 3 or 4 times. I really wanted to put a lot of stuff on this one & spent a few hours making some dangles with beads & other charms. FrusTraTion took oVer!!!So, I backed off & thought a while ~~came to the conclusion that *less is more* in this caSe. It wasn't black & white for me at first cuzz I had all these ideas floating around in my brain & wanted to put them all into this ONE pieCe of jewlery. I began to feel like there would be no more CHARM in this CHARM necklace if you couldn't see the CHARMS. [make senSe?]
This is the backSide of the CHARMS & as you can see the necklace can be worn either way. [2 for 1]
The *U* is [of course] for *U*nique & the *Q* is for Queen. Guess you noTiCed that the chains are different~~well that's because I am different! That's what *aLteReD-eTc is all about >being *U*nique]<
All the CHARMS are made with odd objects. [scrabble tiles, bottle caps, metal letters & a gamepieCe.] Both sides of the gamepieCes are altered & sealed. I beLieVe it will be fun to wear!!! [eye catcher for sure]
If you're interested in any of the jewelry you see in by BLog,"pLeaSe leave a commen" I sell from my home & reLy on Y'aLL to pass the word...
I aLways enJOY using game pieCes etc. in what I do. Here you can see [a lil blurry, sorry] some gamepieCes I altered to spell my granddaughter's name. Each letter I made into a magnet so she could put them on the fridge. I'd love to spell a name for you too!! LeaVe a comment if you're interested! Life is kinda a mix -- some things are BLACK & WHITE [as the saying goes] but there are shades of gray too. It's up to us as individuals to deCide what is right for us!! Hope you're enJOYing your journey!
1 comment:
Thanks Julia~~I love them too! How are ya?
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