I deSign with JOY

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Are *U* inSide the box or outSide?

My son works away from home 7 days & he returns for 7 day~~well this week it seems like he is haVing a VERY good time after work.  *HE ate crawFish!*  We [cajuns] antiCipate crawFish seaSon (((droooling))))  This altered domino is one of thoSe [out-of-the-box] [one-of-a-kind] penDant necklaces  that I feel compelled to do every now & then. *crawFish with a fleur*
Here's another one of my deSigns. This is just the right necklace for the person who loves charms & would like to add a few.  It's really neat just like it is, but really lends itSelf to more & more!! 
Here's another [gamepiece] altered to voiCe *BEE-Lieve*.  All these neckLaces can be layered with others you might already have.  I'm looking forward to this summer when everyone is wearing coLorful cool outFits with cool jewelry.  This too is [one-of-a-kind]. I know it'll look good on you ♥

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