I deSign with JOY

Thursday, April 28, 2011

SomeDay s00n ♥

I"ve strived to be *U*nique for years when I really didn't have to strive!  I am *U*nique & so are *U*.  We are each one-of-a-kind aren't we?  I like considering mySelf to be  rare~~don't *U*?  I might be slightly strange someTimes, but that's OK~I am who I am & what you see is what you get!  Ha!  "Told you I'm a lil 0DD"

I read a Blog tonight written by someOne I barely know, yet I feel as tho I've known her many years.  She writes from her heart & I feel a connection with her because of her sharing honestly & considerately.  She shares her beautiful jewelry deSigns & tid bits of info that anyONe can use.  She doesn't put on [I can tell] 
SomeDays I'd like to sit here & type exactly what's on my heart & I chicken out every time! Not that I'm upset with anyOne in BlogWorld, I"d just like to *VENT*.  I'd love to share some *U*nique true stories, some things that bother me, some words of wisdom from the Bible, some situations needing advice, some etc. etc. stuff *U* know?
For now, because I've lost the use of my desktop I'll remain silent~&~ hopefully in the near future I'll again post some *U*nique pictures to go along with WhaTeVeR I have to say~OK?   Marilyn ♥

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good afternoon~~it's very tragic but I've lost all downloaded  pics on my desktop!  There aren't enuff hours in the day to keep up with everything I'd like to get done.  So I thought Id just drop in & share what's on my heart so Y'aLL know I'm still here.
Without *faith* *family* & *friends* I don't know what I'd do right now.  It's not just the computer crash it's a lot of unforeseen stuff we're going thru-->>>>>>>that's right
*GOING THRU*>>>>>>>>>>

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Colorful Day Ahead-->>>

Good Morning YaLL~~aren't these babies adorabLe???
L@@King at this picture really maDe me smiLe.  They are part of a resCue called *SweetPups* [very appropriate name~don't you think?]  Dogs are being killed before their life even begins or  [bless their heats] ended after much abuse or negLect.  They need *forever homes*  The photographer did a fatastic job ♥

This picture is my inspiration of the day~~[not the puppies~Ha!] I'd love to have them but we have enuff with the ones we have right now.  Maybe someDay we'll  consider adopting more. I'm talking about the colors & the flowers & the happy feeling I get when  L@@king at the picture. 
I pLan to be creative today ♥ "What are you pLanning?" 


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fiesta? I WiSh!!!!

L@@King within again toDay~~there's always something that tries to preVent it!!
Yesterday I stepped on my gLasses & YES I need them.
Staying caLm is not aLways eaSy but for now, I'll go get some reaDers.

L@@KING for my heLp in all the right pLaCes means "NeVeR giVing In ~aLways HoPing"

With Easter approaching, I'm sorta buSy getting stuff done so NO time to waste "Dollar Store here I come"  

Monday, April 11, 2011

*JOY* JunK

Good Morning~~ToDay, I'm gonna en*JOY* just beCauSe ♥
I found some of my daddy's stuff in the shed oVer the weeKend & couLdn't resist creating this sign.  I saw one simiLiar [created by a genius Blogger] so I thought I'd reCreate her iDea. I have no cLue what these things are but it works for me ♥
Life is all about deTails & we can either enJOY them or disregard them.  I chooSe eaCh day to be grateful & know that *JOY* must come from within.  Granted~what surrounds us can make us smiLe automatically.  Then there are days when it's a choiCe we muSt maKe. 
I was thriLLed to find my dad's stuff [been hidden away 20+ years] Sure maDe me {{smiLe}}.  So actuaLLy I found *JOY* from within [remembering] & created *JOY* in my siGn ♥
♥ You should maKe one of your own ~~IF *U*r a JUNK LoVer liKe me ♥

Friday, April 8, 2011

*HiDing pLaCeS*

Good evening Y'aLL~ no dusting today!!  Got this altered bottleCap in the mail to my Swap-bot partner. She likes oLd buttons, stars, rusty stuff & bLing.  She sounds like me.  Ha! Maybe she's a collector~~[???]
I can't hide the fact that I like stuff [all kinds of stuff]
To *EGG*pLain a lil bout me~~when others did their kitchen in geeSe, I did mine in chicKens.  When chicKens got popular I started collecting cocaCola.  We moved here from La. & I wasn't gonna unpack all this, but I just couldn't help mySelf. WiSh my kitchen wasn't off white but I reFuse to take all this down to paint~~"Ever wish someOne would come & take everyThing down & redeSign for you???"  I DO!!
Don't even ask about dusting up there~~Ha!~~ IF I EVER [I think I'll pack it all up] The *hunt* for oLd coKe stuff was fun till it really became a collectable [in my area].  I really should pick out the be§t of it all, dust & put the rest away -->>>>give it away????

I just know there are dust bunnies hiding up there~I don't want to disturb them so I'm gonna touch anyThing

Dusting Memory LaNe is *egg*hausting

You just can't imagine the memories held in this cabinet!!  Some things actually belonged to my mom & Aunts~~the other stuff I've found here & there. I love seeing this stuff because I think of thoSe people it belonged to or the experienCe of finding it [the hunt for us collectors is like feeding an addiction-Ha!] I haven't bought anyThing in 2 years ~"Do you think I'm still an addict???"~ HUMM~PROBABLY ♥

♥~Please exCuse the layer of dust~♥
My mom used to freeze gumbo in that Bama jar [too many years ago to count]~~Bought the Tom's Jar around 24 years ago at a garageSale for $3.00.  The drip coffee pots were my mom's & grandma's.  I collected these coffee cans & a few more myself [we drink a lot of coffee around here so I thought it appropriate to collect cans] Ha!  Love the Maryland Club~[me=Marilyn] 

Dusting is a real chore around here, but a pLeasant one if I approaCh it in the right attitude ♥
I decorate a little different than moSt, but I've deCided that we are all *U*nique therefore this is who I am ♥
The *EGG*ceptional part is *EGG*sploring Memory Lane & getting *EGG*cited about still having the ability to remember it all. Ha! I don't have *EGG*quisite taste, but it's *MY* taste ♥
Hope you can see the beauty in my stuff the way I can.  [it's the DUSTING that's *EGG*hausting]
No (yoke) ♥ I am blessed to be surrounded with *U*nique family heirlooms!  God knows what I need! ♥ 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

DustBunnies & Memorie§

As I was going thru my *BlogWorLd* I noticed so many of you putting out your bunnies & stuff.  I deCided to do the same, but had go do some cLeaning first.  I keep this egg crate out year round & added this sweet bunny.  Can you see the wooden egg under the glass chickie???  I treasure it [beLieve it or not] because it was given to me by a La. neighbor years ago.  It was put in the chicken coop to encourage them to lay.  See  the peking holes-I LoVe it! The bowl was my mom's & so was the lantern.  *Memories all over the pLace*
The dropLeaf table was given to my husband probably 30 years ago for heLping someOne move.  My husband BOUGHT [for me] that large butter keeper [?? white dome & plate] at a garage saLe.  When I brought the window home I had intentions of altering it some way, but just couldn't bring mySelf to change it.

*So muCh to duSt*
My mom never threw anything away & she didn't approve of cLuTTer!  Everything was tucked away neatly in a cabinet or closet inSide the houSe or in the shed outSide.  I disCoverd I really liked all oLd stuff & began to bring some home & put away the decor I already had.  That turned into what it is toDay~~a collection of *STUFF* from family that I've added to for oVer 30 years now. (half my life)

There's a *Story* about this pieCe~~memory????
I went in search of a white hossier cabinet.  {{spelling?}} I fell in love with this!!  I deCided not to buy it tho.  All the way home [hour§] I wished I had.  The neXt day, my wonDerFul husband [willingLy????] drove back [hour§] to get it for me.  Most everyThing you see came from the houSe I grew up in.  The sifter on the left was used by mom almost everyDay when baking.  Her red canister set had been put away many years when I took it out of hiding to be proudly displayed.  *Dusting is an eVent* memorable one!!

There's a jar full of cookie cutters~[I've added to hers]~& her round cutting board~[with cut marks]~ 
The 2 tin cans were her bisquit cutters~[yep Ha!]~The wooden one I bought in Kentucky along with the wooden spoons displayed.  *Memories* everywhere ♥

*Handed down Memories* are the best!! [even if they require hours of duSting]
Hope you'll come back later when I post more pics of my [now clean] kitchen & stuff ♥
Do any of you have a passion for *stuff* like I do?  Do you enJOY dusting like I do?
It's an *EGG*cellent hobby, don't you think?  Dust bunnies are my friends~Ha!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

cLean taBle ~ dead baTTeries

*Found the taBle*
~unDer a lot of unnecesssary stuff piled neatLy~
I've been cLeaning houSe & started taking a few pics to haVe a memory of it cLean wHen the camera went dead!  So I've kept cLeaning ~ mowing the yard ~ getting stuff ready for a swap ~ etc. & etc.
My batteries are half charged & I onLy have a couple of  pic§ downLoaded.  Gotta hurry & taKe the pics beFore it isn't cLean any more.  "AnyOne know that feeling beSides me??"
You shouLd've seen the table yesterday~~RaTher, you couLdn't see the table yesterday. {{{{grinning}}}}

OK ♥ I haven't loSt my mind Ha! {{just my FLASH}} I had to proVe that I did get a few projects started.
BottleCaps & dominoes are some of my favorite things to work with beSides scrabbleTiles.  Rather be deSigning inStead of duSting~~Hope you'll come back tomorrow to see my cLean houSe.  I've all sorts of OLD STUFF I'd love for you to see~~~everything in my houSe comes with a memory ♥ See *U* Later ♥

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sighting Saves

The earLy bird gets the *worm*
Surprise Surprise~~I was headed outSide to spend a little time with TyTy & I spotted the babies ♥  ran for camera & my husband hollared "SN~A~KE".  If I had gone to the dog-pen I wouLd've paniced!
[OH well the birDie sighting saved my heart!] 

altered wooden domino pendant
I *beLieve* everyThing happens for a reaSon [even a birDie sighting].  I get screemish about going in the back becauSe of the snakes.  I'm grateful my husband came out when he did ♥
SpeaKing about the earLy bird~~starting tomorrow I will be setting the cLock. [long ToDo List]
§     §    §    §    §    § 
Hope you clicked on pic to enlarge ♥ wonder if there's an aLarm cLock in there~~Ha! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

*EGG*citing Surprise Visitor

Good Evening Y'aLL ~~ I should be getting some reSt but here I am thinking of a question asked on a *giveaway* about "chickie or rabbit?" I'm a rabbit kinda gal.  I have rabbits year round...Here's one that I'll be putting some eggs in soon.  Still don't know why~Ha!~ [rabbits don't lay eggs!]  There's some moss already~~[a little freshening up will make all the difference] & it'll be ready for Easter.
Here's another one that sits out on the front porch year round.  OnCe I plant a pretty flower in the old crock, it'll seem more like EasterTime. 
And yes this one is aLiVe !!  I think this is the 3rd year that it comes to eat in our back yard.  I took pictures toDay at my back door~didn't dare open the door for fear it would hop away.
I thought it was gonna go unDer TyTy's pen, but~~~

suddenLy it turned & began to eat!  I was thrilled & happy that I could keep the camera still enuff.

Moments like this don't come often enuff! [for me anyway]  I  don't ever  have my camera cLose by.
This is so sweet!! {{{{smiLes}}}}

"I'm holding my breathe--don't dare move cuzz then I won't be able to focus the camera."  ZOOM----.>>>

Like I said "I'm a rabbit kinda gal"  This furry friend was a niCe surprise toDay.
WonDer who will come to visit tomorrow??
All God's creatures are weLcome ♥
eVen *U*

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beautiful Memories everyWhere

Good evening Y'aLL~
This is suCh beautiful weather I had to go outSide for a little while.  There isn't muCh beauty to see in my front yard. That OLD swing & OLD wheelbarrow beLonged to my daddy so they are very speCial to me.
Daddy maDe this OLD tractor for me before I even started school~~Can't imagine the funfilled hours I spent riding this thing.  My yard isn't beautiful yet, but it sure has beautiful *memories* everyWhere ♥
See that iron wagon?  Yep, you guessed it~~he maDe that too.  I put a squirrel feeder on it & every now & then we put out corn or nuts for them .  It's not beautiful, but the squirrels love it!  They must remember it becauSe they return every year to the same spot.  *memories* Ha!

I did spot one *beautiful* item in the rocks!  It's an altered domino neckLace!!  It's pLain & simpLe but hopefully to someOne it's beautiful ♥ 
The first day of April didn't fool me at all~~it was a beautiful day & I accompLished what I set out toDo ♥  

FreSh BeGiNNinG

Happy April 1, 2011~~there's gonna be a whole lot of going on this month.
am setting goals to do someThing productive every day.

to me means *stuff* so you might say "I've got *stuff* ToDo ♥

I've had many iDeas floating around for a long time & it's that time to get some of them completed.  First things First tho. *ORGANIZATION*   I have lots of stuff to work with & it's everyWhere.  It's gotten to the point that I 'm more aggraVated than anyThing beCause I have to L@@K for stuff.  OnCe I re-arrange it'll be back to enJOYing what I do.  ~~Can't be CreaTiVe in   *K*Oss  ~~ Can *U*???

,I've got stuff to start on like

Hope you enJOY this day that the Lord has given us.  We don't have any Time to waste!

LoVe Y'aLL,

Thursday, March 31, 2011

BLESSED L@@King back & forWard ♥

As this month comes to an end I find mySeLf  feeling *BLESSED*
WE've come thru March with ALL our needs met & L@@King forward to ApriL.
I've set a few goals [with high expections] & I've made a few pLans [by Faith] .
I'm enCouraged knowing there are more BLESSINGS coming~more BLESSINGS to share.
SHARINGing the daiLy duties ♥
Sharing the family home ♥
TheSe two are BLESSED with eaCh other.
Blessing come in all sizes & shapes~~they should neVer be overL@@Ked.
I'm BLESSED to share LiFe with famiLy & friends [incLuding Cloe, Ty, critters outSide & Y'aLL]
♥ See Y'aLL neXt month ♥