I deSign with JOY

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm TraVeLing LiTe ToDay

Good Morning Y'aLL~~toDay is one of thoSe days when I really have no pLans.  I just know that there are many projeCts here that need finiShing. [outSide & inSide] This little friend of mine doesn't have knowLedge of pLans [I doubt] just gets the daily routine done eaCh & every Day!  God seems to take caRe of all that conCerns these feathery friends ~~ He'll do the same for me ♥ Right? ♥ And for *U* too! ♥
I don't see any caLendar or sticky notes attached to feathers~~do you?  Yet all is taKen care of daily ♥ not a care in the worLd~~they're out & about & all is proVided~~inStinctiVeLy they find what's been proVided.

I don't think they carry maps either~~don't eVen think they aCt like they're in foreign territory! [unLike me when I traVel with a GPS] They conTinuouSly go about their daiLy rounTine unHinDered & ♥trusting♥

ToDay I'm kinDa like them~~traVeling light~~letting God handLe things ♥

1 comment:

Julia said...

Beautiful cardinal! It's so funny to see one of our little west coast blue jay's in red! lol
Love all of your bird houses.