Good Morning WorLd~~This is my view of my worLd from the swing on the back porch! Of courSe this was laSt year cuzz I haven't started sitting back there yet this year. It's that time tho~~when the birds are nesting & feeding their young. Coffee is aLways good back here & when it's quiet, all is well ♥
Yesterday my husband cLeaned out one of the birdHouSes [it was so full that the birds could no longer fit inSide] Tthe feathers & straw flew everyWhere! It's amazing to see how they build those nests [strand by strand bit by bit] with whatever they find laying around.
WOW! that reminds me of what I do--Ha! I deSign jewelry bead by bead uSing whatever I have laying around. Ha! Hummm kinda like nesting (((giggle))) Anyway, it's my coffeeTime so I'll be back later
In the meanTime you could enJOY my friends here-->>>"Saying Good Morning ♥"
Good Morning
Good AfterNoon, Marilyn
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