Good afternoon [or should I say Good Evening] Events of the afternoon are trying to make me *bLue* but I can't let stuff stress me out!! I beLieve [in the long run] all things will work out for the beSt. My afternoon scheldule didn't turn out like I anticipated it would. I REALLY WANTED TO STRING SOME BEADS!
I'm determined to find *JOY* in the trials of this life. My frustrations are focused on what's happening in the worLd around me. God's Plan is in moTion & I await His Plan with *JOY* in my heart!
I'm gonna faCe tomorrow with a sparKle in my eye--->>>> [eVeryThing will be bright & shiney!] I've much to be thankFul for & I purPose to beGin the month of March on a happy noTe!! There are better days a*Comin! I'd like to remind you that all the jewelry you see is for saLe. I'd love to have you comment on them or anything eLse you'd like to say. I'd love for you to follow my Blog & maybe we can enCourage eaCh other now & then.
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