I deSign with JOY

Sunday, February 27, 2011

PeaCe & Quiet & coFFeeTime

Good Morning Y'all [IDK who Yall are but still] It's so niCe already.  I'm waiting on the coffeePot to stop making noise then I'll know the coffee's ready.  Thank God for gettting us thru the night HUH?  I'm exCited to eXperienCe what He has in moTion for me toDay.  How about you?  WiSh you were here to share the pot ♥ MayBe tomorrow.  This is an altered domino [for saLe]. Comment if you're interested.  enJOY the morning♥


Anonymous said...

fantastic girl.. love your domino.. of course I love all your work.. keep blogging...

Anonymous said...

Thanks *whoEver* you are ♥ I think I like the BLOG idea!! HaVe a GREAT day!!!! Marilyn