I deSign with JOY

Friday, February 25, 2011

I've been NesTing

Well here it is --juSt like I promiSed.  Funny but true = "I know where almost everyThing is." I almost deCided to orGaniZe it all for you but then I wouldn't be true to who I really am.  I've neGlected to show you my deSk--[it's there on the left] but it looks very much like the work table.  Of courSe I could show you my inspiration wall, but that will come later.  ToDay I'll be starting some Scripture memory cards to swap.  I'm anXious to deSign a new pieCe of jewelry, but it'll have to wait a day or 2.  I'll catch up with mySelf  later & I'll let you know what I find

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