Good afterNoon Y'all. I'm beginning to see bits of green leaVes popping out everyWhere. That tells me that it's time to be working out in the yard. I'm so torn betWeen getting stuff done inSide & stuff outSide. ToDay I'll be inSide♥ Seeing the sunShine for a few hours toDay has been refreshing.
HaVe you eVer noTiced how many different greens there are? I love them all & I can't help but inClude the different greens in my jewelry. This time of year, I really noTice when everyThing seems to be coming aLive again after the winter months.
Are you as happy as I am about the seaSon changing? After the green leaves exPose themselves a little more we'll see a lot more colors unDer God's blue shy! I simPly wiSh I could be in 2 pLaces at onCe so I could deSign jewelry & scrapbook inSide & be outSide to enjoy the green grass & everyThing eLse colorFul out there!!
All the jewlery you see here is for saLe---->>>>>just leave me a comment, OK?
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