I deSign with JOY

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sighting Saves

The earLy bird gets the *worm*
Surprise Surprise~~I was headed outSide to spend a little time with TyTy & I spotted the babies ♥  ran for camera & my husband hollared "SN~A~KE".  If I had gone to the dog-pen I wouLd've paniced!
[OH well the birDie sighting saved my heart!] 

altered wooden domino pendant
I *beLieve* everyThing happens for a reaSon [even a birDie sighting].  I get screemish about going in the back becauSe of the snakes.  I'm grateful my husband came out when he did ♥
SpeaKing about the earLy bird~~starting tomorrow I will be setting the cLock. [long ToDo List]
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Hope you clicked on pic to enlarge ♥ wonder if there's an aLarm cLock in there~~Ha! 


Pretty Things said...

Hey there! Be sure to email my your mailing address so I can get your seed beads to you!

Tanna said...

LOL! I didn't see an alarm in there! But, it is very beautiful! Hope you have a very productive day tomorrow!! Blessings ~ Tanna

Martina said...

Thank you for visiting me! What a cute birds house - and the pendant is lovely too! Must check your blog out - am your newest follower!