I deSign with JOY

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

cLean taBle ~ dead baTTeries

*Found the taBle*
~unDer a lot of unnecesssary stuff piled neatLy~
I've been cLeaning houSe & started taking a few pics to haVe a memory of it cLean wHen the camera went dead!  So I've kept cLeaning ~ mowing the yard ~ getting stuff ready for a swap ~ etc. & etc.
My batteries are half charged & I onLy have a couple of  pic§ downLoaded.  Gotta hurry & taKe the pics beFore it isn't cLean any more.  "AnyOne know that feeling beSides me??"
You shouLd've seen the table yesterday~~RaTher, you couLdn't see the table yesterday. {{{{grinning}}}}

OK ♥ I haven't loSt my mind Ha! {{just my FLASH}} I had to proVe that I did get a few projects started.
BottleCaps & dominoes are some of my favorite things to work with beSides scrabbleTiles.  Rather be deSigning inStead of duSting~~Hope you'll come back tomorrow to see my cLean houSe.  I've all sorts of OLD STUFF I'd love for you to see~~~everything in my houSe comes with a memory ♥ See *U* Later ♥

1 comment:

Tanna said...

My kitchen table (and several other flat surfaces, including my stove) are covered with watercolor stuff! LOL!