I deSign with JOY

Thursday, April 7, 2011

DustBunnies & Memorie§

As I was going thru my *BlogWorLd* I noticed so many of you putting out your bunnies & stuff.  I deCided to do the same, but had go do some cLeaning first.  I keep this egg crate out year round & added this sweet bunny.  Can you see the wooden egg under the glass chickie???  I treasure it [beLieve it or not] because it was given to me by a La. neighbor years ago.  It was put in the chicken coop to encourage them to lay.  See  the peking holes-I LoVe it! The bowl was my mom's & so was the lantern.  *Memories all over the pLace*
The dropLeaf table was given to my husband probably 30 years ago for heLping someOne move.  My husband BOUGHT [for me] that large butter keeper [?? white dome & plate] at a garage saLe.  When I brought the window home I had intentions of altering it some way, but just couldn't bring mySelf to change it.

*So muCh to duSt*
My mom never threw anything away & she didn't approve of cLuTTer!  Everything was tucked away neatly in a cabinet or closet inSide the houSe or in the shed outSide.  I disCoverd I really liked all oLd stuff & began to bring some home & put away the decor I already had.  That turned into what it is toDay~~a collection of *STUFF* from family that I've added to for oVer 30 years now. (half my life)

There's a *Story* about this pieCe~~memory????
I went in search of a white hossier cabinet.  {{spelling?}} I fell in love with this!!  I deCided not to buy it tho.  All the way home [hour§] I wished I had.  The neXt day, my wonDerFul husband [willingLy????] drove back [hour§] to get it for me.  Most everyThing you see came from the houSe I grew up in.  The sifter on the left was used by mom almost everyDay when baking.  Her red canister set had been put away many years when I took it out of hiding to be proudly displayed.  *Dusting is an eVent* memorable one!!

There's a jar full of cookie cutters~[I've added to hers]~& her round cutting board~[with cut marks]~ 
The 2 tin cans were her bisquit cutters~[yep Ha!]~The wooden one I bought in Kentucky along with the wooden spoons displayed.  *Memories* everywhere ♥

*Handed down Memories* are the best!! [even if they require hours of duSting]
Hope you'll come back later when I post more pics of my [now clean] kitchen & stuff ♥
Do any of you have a passion for *stuff* like I do?  Do you enJOY dusting like I do?
It's an *EGG*cellent hobby, don't you think?  Dust bunnies are my friends~Ha!


Kelly Benoit said...

I loved ur story!! Learned things even *I* didn't know!:-)

Marilyn said...

Kelly, Can't be much you don't know!!