I deSign with JOY

Thursday, April 28, 2011

SomeDay s00n ♥

I"ve strived to be *U*nique for years when I really didn't have to strive!  I am *U*nique & so are *U*.  We are each one-of-a-kind aren't we?  I like considering mySelf to be  rare~~don't *U*?  I might be slightly strange someTimes, but that's OK~I am who I am & what you see is what you get!  Ha!  "Told you I'm a lil 0DD"

I read a Blog tonight written by someOne I barely know, yet I feel as tho I've known her many years.  She writes from her heart & I feel a connection with her because of her sharing honestly & considerately.  She shares her beautiful jewelry deSigns & tid bits of info that anyONe can use.  She doesn't put on [I can tell] 
SomeDays I'd like to sit here & type exactly what's on my heart & I chicken out every time! Not that I'm upset with anyOne in BlogWorld, I"d just like to *VENT*.  I'd love to share some *U*nique true stories, some things that bother me, some words of wisdom from the Bible, some situations needing advice, some etc. etc. stuff *U* know?
For now, because I've lost the use of my desktop I'll remain silent~&~ hopefully in the near future I'll again post some *U*nique pictures to go along with WhaTeVeR I have to say~OK?   Marilyn ♥

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good afternoon~~it's very tragic but I've lost all downloaded  pics on my desktop!  There aren't enuff hours in the day to keep up with everything I'd like to get done.  So I thought Id just drop in & share what's on my heart so Y'aLL know I'm still here.
Without *faith* *family* & *friends* I don't know what I'd do right now.  It's not just the computer crash it's a lot of unforeseen stuff we're going thru-->>>>>>>that's right
*GOING THRU*>>>>>>>>>>

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Colorful Day Ahead-->>>

Good Morning YaLL~~aren't these babies adorabLe???
L@@King at this picture really maDe me smiLe.  They are part of a resCue called *SweetPups* [very appropriate name~don't you think?]  Dogs are being killed before their life even begins or  [bless their heats] ended after much abuse or negLect.  They need *forever homes*  The photographer did a fatastic job ♥

This picture is my inspiration of the day~~[not the puppies~Ha!] I'd love to have them but we have enuff with the ones we have right now.  Maybe someDay we'll  consider adopting more. I'm talking about the colors & the flowers & the happy feeling I get when  L@@king at the picture. 
I pLan to be creative today ♥ "What are you pLanning?" 


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fiesta? I WiSh!!!!

L@@King within again toDay~~there's always something that tries to preVent it!!
Yesterday I stepped on my gLasses & YES I need them.
Staying caLm is not aLways eaSy but for now, I'll go get some reaDers.

L@@KING for my heLp in all the right pLaCes means "NeVeR giVing In ~aLways HoPing"

With Easter approaching, I'm sorta buSy getting stuff done so NO time to waste "Dollar Store here I come"  

Monday, April 11, 2011

*JOY* JunK

Good Morning~~ToDay, I'm gonna en*JOY* just beCauSe ♥
I found some of my daddy's stuff in the shed oVer the weeKend & couLdn't resist creating this sign.  I saw one simiLiar [created by a genius Blogger] so I thought I'd reCreate her iDea. I have no cLue what these things are but it works for me ♥
Life is all about deTails & we can either enJOY them or disregard them.  I chooSe eaCh day to be grateful & know that *JOY* must come from within.  Granted~what surrounds us can make us smiLe automatically.  Then there are days when it's a choiCe we muSt maKe. 
I was thriLLed to find my dad's stuff [been hidden away 20+ years] Sure maDe me {{smiLe}}.  So actuaLLy I found *JOY* from within [remembering] & created *JOY* in my siGn ♥
♥ You should maKe one of your own ~~IF *U*r a JUNK LoVer liKe me ♥

Friday, April 8, 2011

*HiDing pLaCeS*

Good evening Y'aLL~ no dusting today!!  Got this altered bottleCap in the mail to my Swap-bot partner. She likes oLd buttons, stars, rusty stuff & bLing.  She sounds like me.  Ha! Maybe she's a collector~~[???]
I can't hide the fact that I like stuff [all kinds of stuff]
To *EGG*pLain a lil bout me~~when others did their kitchen in geeSe, I did mine in chicKens.  When chicKens got popular I started collecting cocaCola.  We moved here from La. & I wasn't gonna unpack all this, but I just couldn't help mySelf. WiSh my kitchen wasn't off white but I reFuse to take all this down to paint~~"Ever wish someOne would come & take everyThing down & redeSign for you???"  I DO!!
Don't even ask about dusting up there~~Ha!~~ IF I EVER [I think I'll pack it all up] The *hunt* for oLd coKe stuff was fun till it really became a collectable [in my area].  I really should pick out the be§t of it all, dust & put the rest away -->>>>give it away????

I just know there are dust bunnies hiding up there~I don't want to disturb them so I'm gonna touch anyThing

Dusting Memory LaNe is *egg*hausting

You just can't imagine the memories held in this cabinet!!  Some things actually belonged to my mom & Aunts~~the other stuff I've found here & there. I love seeing this stuff because I think of thoSe people it belonged to or the experienCe of finding it [the hunt for us collectors is like feeding an addiction-Ha!] I haven't bought anyThing in 2 years ~"Do you think I'm still an addict???"~ HUMM~PROBABLY ♥

♥~Please exCuse the layer of dust~♥
My mom used to freeze gumbo in that Bama jar [too many years ago to count]~~Bought the Tom's Jar around 24 years ago at a garageSale for $3.00.  The drip coffee pots were my mom's & grandma's.  I collected these coffee cans & a few more myself [we drink a lot of coffee around here so I thought it appropriate to collect cans] Ha!  Love the Maryland Club~[me=Marilyn] 

Dusting is a real chore around here, but a pLeasant one if I approaCh it in the right attitude ♥
I decorate a little different than moSt, but I've deCided that we are all *U*nique therefore this is who I am ♥
The *EGG*ceptional part is *EGG*sploring Memory Lane & getting *EGG*cited about still having the ability to remember it all. Ha! I don't have *EGG*quisite taste, but it's *MY* taste ♥
Hope you can see the beauty in my stuff the way I can.  [it's the DUSTING that's *EGG*hausting]
No (yoke) ♥ I am blessed to be surrounded with *U*nique family heirlooms!  God knows what I need! ♥ 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

DustBunnies & Memorie§

As I was going thru my *BlogWorLd* I noticed so many of you putting out your bunnies & stuff.  I deCided to do the same, but had go do some cLeaning first.  I keep this egg crate out year round & added this sweet bunny.  Can you see the wooden egg under the glass chickie???  I treasure it [beLieve it or not] because it was given to me by a La. neighbor years ago.  It was put in the chicken coop to encourage them to lay.  See  the peking holes-I LoVe it! The bowl was my mom's & so was the lantern.  *Memories all over the pLace*
The dropLeaf table was given to my husband probably 30 years ago for heLping someOne move.  My husband BOUGHT [for me] that large butter keeper [?? white dome & plate] at a garage saLe.  When I brought the window home I had intentions of altering it some way, but just couldn't bring mySelf to change it.

*So muCh to duSt*
My mom never threw anything away & she didn't approve of cLuTTer!  Everything was tucked away neatly in a cabinet or closet inSide the houSe or in the shed outSide.  I disCoverd I really liked all oLd stuff & began to bring some home & put away the decor I already had.  That turned into what it is toDay~~a collection of *STUFF* from family that I've added to for oVer 30 years now. (half my life)

There's a *Story* about this pieCe~~memory????
I went in search of a white hossier cabinet.  {{spelling?}} I fell in love with this!!  I deCided not to buy it tho.  All the way home [hour§] I wished I had.  The neXt day, my wonDerFul husband [willingLy????] drove back [hour§] to get it for me.  Most everyThing you see came from the houSe I grew up in.  The sifter on the left was used by mom almost everyDay when baking.  Her red canister set had been put away many years when I took it out of hiding to be proudly displayed.  *Dusting is an eVent* memorable one!!

There's a jar full of cookie cutters~[I've added to hers]~& her round cutting board~[with cut marks]~ 
The 2 tin cans were her bisquit cutters~[yep Ha!]~The wooden one I bought in Kentucky along with the wooden spoons displayed.  *Memories* everywhere ♥

*Handed down Memories* are the best!! [even if they require hours of duSting]
Hope you'll come back later when I post more pics of my [now clean] kitchen & stuff ♥
Do any of you have a passion for *stuff* like I do?  Do you enJOY dusting like I do?
It's an *EGG*cellent hobby, don't you think?  Dust bunnies are my friends~Ha!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

cLean taBle ~ dead baTTeries

*Found the taBle*
~unDer a lot of unnecesssary stuff piled neatLy~
I've been cLeaning houSe & started taking a few pics to haVe a memory of it cLean wHen the camera went dead!  So I've kept cLeaning ~ mowing the yard ~ getting stuff ready for a swap ~ etc. & etc.
My batteries are half charged & I onLy have a couple of  pic§ downLoaded.  Gotta hurry & taKe the pics beFore it isn't cLean any more.  "AnyOne know that feeling beSides me??"
You shouLd've seen the table yesterday~~RaTher, you couLdn't see the table yesterday. {{{{grinning}}}}

OK ♥ I haven't loSt my mind Ha! {{just my FLASH}} I had to proVe that I did get a few projects started.
BottleCaps & dominoes are some of my favorite things to work with beSides scrabbleTiles.  Rather be deSigning inStead of duSting~~Hope you'll come back tomorrow to see my cLean houSe.  I've all sorts of OLD STUFF I'd love for you to see~~~everything in my houSe comes with a memory ♥ See *U* Later ♥

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sighting Saves

The earLy bird gets the *worm*
Surprise Surprise~~I was headed outSide to spend a little time with TyTy & I spotted the babies ♥  ran for camera & my husband hollared "SN~A~KE".  If I had gone to the dog-pen I wouLd've paniced!
[OH well the birDie sighting saved my heart!] 

altered wooden domino pendant
I *beLieve* everyThing happens for a reaSon [even a birDie sighting].  I get screemish about going in the back becauSe of the snakes.  I'm grateful my husband came out when he did ♥
SpeaKing about the earLy bird~~starting tomorrow I will be setting the cLock. [long ToDo List]
§     §    §    §    §    § 
Hope you clicked on pic to enlarge ♥ wonder if there's an aLarm cLock in there~~Ha! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

*EGG*citing Surprise Visitor

Good Evening Y'aLL ~~ I should be getting some reSt but here I am thinking of a question asked on a *giveaway* about "chickie or rabbit?" I'm a rabbit kinda gal.  I have rabbits year round...Here's one that I'll be putting some eggs in soon.  Still don't know why~Ha!~ [rabbits don't lay eggs!]  There's some moss already~~[a little freshening up will make all the difference] & it'll be ready for Easter.
Here's another one that sits out on the front porch year round.  OnCe I plant a pretty flower in the old crock, it'll seem more like EasterTime. 
And yes this one is aLiVe !!  I think this is the 3rd year that it comes to eat in our back yard.  I took pictures toDay at my back door~didn't dare open the door for fear it would hop away.
I thought it was gonna go unDer TyTy's pen, but~~~

suddenLy it turned & began to eat!  I was thrilled & happy that I could keep the camera still enuff.

Moments like this don't come often enuff! [for me anyway]  I  don't ever  have my camera cLose by.
This is so sweet!! {{{{smiLes}}}}

"I'm holding my breathe--don't dare move cuzz then I won't be able to focus the camera."  ZOOM----.>>>

Like I said "I'm a rabbit kinda gal"  This furry friend was a niCe surprise toDay.
WonDer who will come to visit tomorrow??
All God's creatures are weLcome ♥
eVen *U*

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beautiful Memories everyWhere

Good evening Y'aLL~
This is suCh beautiful weather I had to go outSide for a little while.  There isn't muCh beauty to see in my front yard. That OLD swing & OLD wheelbarrow beLonged to my daddy so they are very speCial to me.
Daddy maDe this OLD tractor for me before I even started school~~Can't imagine the funfilled hours I spent riding this thing.  My yard isn't beautiful yet, but it sure has beautiful *memories* everyWhere ♥
See that iron wagon?  Yep, you guessed it~~he maDe that too.  I put a squirrel feeder on it & every now & then we put out corn or nuts for them .  It's not beautiful, but the squirrels love it!  They must remember it becauSe they return every year to the same spot.  *memories* Ha!

I did spot one *beautiful* item in the rocks!  It's an altered domino neckLace!!  It's pLain & simpLe but hopefully to someOne it's beautiful ♥ 
The first day of April didn't fool me at all~~it was a beautiful day & I accompLished what I set out toDo ♥  

FreSh BeGiNNinG

Happy April 1, 2011~~there's gonna be a whole lot of going on this month.
am setting goals to do someThing productive every day.

to me means *stuff* so you might say "I've got *stuff* ToDo ♥

I've had many iDeas floating around for a long time & it's that time to get some of them completed.  First things First tho. *ORGANIZATION*   I have lots of stuff to work with & it's everyWhere.  It's gotten to the point that I 'm more aggraVated than anyThing beCause I have to L@@K for stuff.  OnCe I re-arrange it'll be back to enJOYing what I do.  ~~Can't be CreaTiVe in   *K*Oss  ~~ Can *U*???

,I've got stuff to start on like

Hope you enJOY this day that the Lord has given us.  We don't have any Time to waste!

LoVe Y'aLL,